Yaounde increasing the size of its Armed Forces
Over two thousand conscripts recently recruited into the Rapid Intervention Battalion BIR have begun training at the Military Compact Man o War Bay in Limbe and Bafut. The Francophone government announced that the 9 months training is intended to build the physical, moral and intellectual capacity of the new recruits and equip them with skills to combat terrorism.
The young soldiers have been subjected to medical examination and vaccination. The 2000 drawn from the 10 regions of Cameroon are between the ages of 18 and 21. According to one of the trainers Colonel Akwo Serge, those with medical issues shall received adequate treatment.
The training itself shall be composed of different terrestrial, air and maritime exercises that endow the new recruits with skills in fighting terrorism. The training takes place in two groups simultaneously. The first in Bafut military camp in the North West Region and Man o War Bay in the South West Region.
09/04/2017 @ 08:11
TELL biya is not increasing millitary Force that fight what he calls terrorism as he himself and his regime are the first terrorist in cameroon. THOSE soldiers he is training will turn against him and his regime one day.
09/04/2017 @ 13:45
it is a shame that the Cameroon military, full of weak illiterate men and women continue to keep the dictator evil regime in power for over 34 years, while holding the country’s development backwards, most of these armies take bribes from civilians especially on roadsides and arrested people in order to feed their families,the majority live in slum run down sewage areas with no water, electricity, good jobs, run down hospitals,they have no pensions schemes or adequate medical cover by LRC, they live a life style of poverty yet fight to keep a dictator, who pays them pittance wages, hope these young men will open their eyes and overthrow this wicked regime