US says dialogue the ‘only path’ to resolve Cameroon Anglophone crisis
The United States has reiterated its call for dialogue in Cameroon’s Anglophone crisis tasking the government to engage aggrieved parties in the restive region.
The U.S. embassy in Yaounde were reacting to the recent deaths of two members of the Cameroon security apparatus. “We urge the Government of the Republic of Cameroon to act with restraint in response to these acts of violence.
“We continue to appeal to all sides to enter into meaningful, broad-based dialogue. Dialogue is the only path towards a resolution of legitimate grievances,” a statement issued early this week read.
The U.S. condemned the murders and sent condolences to the families of the slain officers – the Marine was killed in Ekondo-Titi (southwest) on January 14 whiles the gendarme was killed in the town of Wum (northwest) on January 15.
The deaths are a continuation of an armed attack on state security forces. President Paul Biya late last year declared war on the secessionists after four troops were killed. The number of slain troops is about a dozen with the latest incident.
Source: Africa News
19/01/2018 @ 19:19
Shame to US and co ,for calling for only dialogue while genocide is taking place with weapons supplied by them to a shit hole regime of Biya. I guess some people are happy to make money while South Cameroonians are dying in great numbers.
20/01/2018 @ 05:54
Can the United States or African Union or United Nations or European Union or Britain invite Biya of la republique du Cameroun and the His Excellency Ayuk Tabe Julius of Ambasonia to sit down in a neutral country to dialogue? Simply calling them to dialogue is abject foolishness – that will never happen!!!! Please, invite them to a neutral venue so the person who does not turn up for dialogue is exposed for all to see. We are tired of being told to dialogue. Biya’s understands dialogue to mean kill, rape and imprison all Ambasonians. His Excellency Sisiku Ayuk Tabe understands dialogue to mean sit on a round table and sort out the differences between the two states and resolve them. As United States, UN, AU, France and British Commonwealth recommends dialogue, biya continues his killing spree of Ambasonians.