Updates and resolutions of the Southern Cameroons leaders meeting of 14th of December 2016
There were three separate meetings that held on Wednesday the 14th of December 2016 at Mola Njoh Litumbe’s resident, to discuss the way forward of the restoration of the Southern Cameroon’s (Ambazonia) independence. Patriarch Mola Njoh Litumbe on a more or less an hour talk, gave us the in depth history of our motherland and pointed out with facts and figures that we were not and are not joint to La République du Cameroun (LRC) legitimately. After the digestion of the patriarch’s historical clarifications, all those present unanimously accepted and embraced the fact that LRC is an illegal and illegitimate colonial occupant of our territory and has caused us a lot over the decades due to its illegal occupation and termed annexation or colonization of our territory, ranging from extortion of our natural resources, forcing colonial and military rule on us, destruction of our educational system, bringing our cultural values and heritage to a zero point value, attempting to kill our common law system, torturing, maiming, robbing, raping and killing our people, just to mention but a few.
We all joined our voices to say enough is enough and this must stop because we are stopping at nothing until we restore the independence of our nation that was granted to us by the UNO on the 1st of October 1961. After this first brief meeting, came the Ambazonian Governing Council (AGC) meeting under the chairmanship of the Deputy Leader (DL). It gathered momentum and had a take off point from the previous general meeting. It was very brief in order to give room for the All Leaders meeting to take place. The AGC was formerly introduced and its various arms of governance, having a coalition leadership made up of Dr. Ayaba Chou Lucas and Dr. Ebenezer A kwanza, a DL, and an Economic Council.
Newly created committees were put in place because we deemed them necessary and very vital for our struggle, the Communication Council was created, the Intelligence Unit Council was also created. All the various councils and committees shall work strictly under the AGC policy as designed and prescribed by the various policy terms found on the AGC website. After a solid refreshment came the last and most powerful and instrumental All Leaders meeting that was attended by high profile personalities like Patriarch Mola Njoh Litumbe, Professor Anyangwe, Dr Nfor Ngalla Nfor chairman of SCNC, Learned Barrister Nkongho Bate of FAKLA, President of SCAPO, DL of AGC, and a host of others. The over three hours meeting was chaired by Patriarch Mola Njoh Litumbe, who in his welcome and opening speech enjoins all Southern Cameroonians to keep aside their personal differences, individual and political agendas aside and underscored the need for us to work as a synergy till we reach the summit of our fight which is the restoration of our independence. He therefore called on all and sundries to coke together as a united people, even with our differences in ideologies towards this fight but so long as we have a common target and a common goal, we must be under one canopy and only then can we win the battle as one people.
Barrister Nkongho took the floor to reiterate and buttress the point of togetherness as earlier addressed by patriarch Mola Njoh. He said the main reason why the strike isn’t going the way it was declared by the lawyers and then after teachers is as a result of separation in leadership and as a result an unguided protest came to play. He beckoned on the need for a synergy of leadership that will encapsulate all the leaders of the various trade unions and movements because according to him, if that is not done, protesters will only believe and listen to their leaders and that will jumble up the whole thing and make it difficult for our voices to be heard as one. He proposed that all the leaders of the various trade unions and movements must come together and delegate those who will be representing the Southern Cameroonians at all levels.
Dr Nfor Ngalla Nfor insisted on a very strong note that there is a need for all the leaders to come under one canopy of leadership and that we must not back down or relent our efforts. He added that we must keep aside our self interests and make the supreme interest of Southern Cameroon our priorities at this moment. Professor Anyangwe saluted the initiatives of the lawyers and teachers and all those who have actively taken part in the ongoing strike, while appreciating the lawyers for this wonderful selfless sacrifice they are making to stop going to court which happens to be the only way they can make money and the teachers to boycotting classrooms and putting their salaries at risk, he couldn’t hold his deep condolences to the families who have lost their loved ones and sincere sympathy for those who have been severely injured, tortured, raped, maimed and even those who are yet to come out of trauma. On a very strong note, he said all these sacrifices are for the achievement of our liberation and they will neither go unrecognized in our history nor unaccounted for and damages paid by perpetrators and accomplices of all devilish acts meted on our people. He added that with all these mishaps, we can’t afford to back down on this fight and that we shall use all it takes to prevail over our oppressor. He joined the other attendees to call for a synergy of all Ambazonians to fight without fear for the liberation of nation.
The president of SCAPO came in like manner as the DL of the AGC to motion the need to work in a synergy and that anyone who is having the idea to sell out our just course or stand in our way should start writing his/her will because such a person will be devoured by the angry mob. He went further to say that the lawyers and teachers weren’t wrong to ask for a return to federation, reasons being that it was all they could yearn for at that moment but it should be clear and inculcated into the brains of all Southern Cameroonians that ALL WE ARE FIGHTING FOR IS SEPARATION AND NOTHING SHORT OF INDEPENDENCE should future in any of our agendas. The meeting ended in good faith and we unanimously congratulated the stand taken by Hon. Wirba Joseph to shake their Parliament and make them understand that we ain’t the same people they have been toiling with and enough is enough. The new message that should be on the lips of all Southern Cameroonians (Ambazonians) is “NO TO FEDERATION”
28/12/2016 @ 13:14
My people of Southern Cameroon don’t give up God is on our side our victory is sure