Strikes to continue as second round of talks between the Consortium and Ad Hoc Committee ends in fiasco
The special session between the Ad Hoc Committee and the Consortium has ended again in total failure. The teachers staged a walked out after asking for the release of those still held in Kondengui. The meeting was prolonged because Higher Education Minister, Fame Ndongo pleaded to have a session with the leaders. We gathered that instead of opening a political discourse on the issues raised by the Consortium, the Biya acolyte proposed the sum of 30 million each for the leaders to suspend the strike.
The leaders at that point concerted and understood that the Yaoundé regime was not serious about solving the Anglophone problem but just playing around. The meeting was a desperate attempt by Fame Ndongo and his gang to get a possible answer back to Paul Biya. Minister Fame Ndongo during the deliberations pretended to be a very humble Beti Ewondo political elite and clamored for schools to resume in Southern Cameroons.
Wilfred Tassang who gave a short press briefing after the forum came to an abrupt end revealed that out of the 15 points tabled by the Consortium, they only succeeded in holding discussions on just 7. Tassang noted that the Francophone divide and rule tactics remains a delicacy within the Ad Hoc Committee members who announced that they intend to hold another meeting tomorrow only with the lawyers. Tassang told local and international press men and women that the all strike action remains. He added that all schools in Southern Cameroons will also remain closed.
By Rita Akana in Bamenda
12/01/2017 @ 21:40
It is true that this Biyas regime is all a mirst to the society. Dear leaders thanks a lot on behave of my brothers and sisters.