Southern Cameroons in Crisis: Biya’s Horrific Endgame
The United Nations is considering a dramatic u-turn on its stance in the ongoing Southern Cameroons crisis as military operations by the Biya regime continues to push Cameroon into a civil war, Cameroon Concord News has learned from diplomatic sources in New York and in Paris. Our sources hinted that the move is being orchestrated by the French government but it’s being sold to the people of Cameroon as a President Biya initiative.
We gathered the French have opted for a four states federation and are presently trading the idea with UN officials. The change in the French approach came after events over the weekend in Munyenge where forces supporting the Interim Government of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia slaughtered hundreds of French Cameroun soldiers. The Southern Cameroons troops had marched in from their Muyuka, Muea and Tiko strongholds, where they had been fighting Biya regime forces.
Ambazonian fighters have swept up most of the Southern Cameroons rural counties and are now moving toward the historic capital city of Buea. The morale in the Biya regime forces is at its lowest and we understand French President Macron has written to the U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres on the situation in Cameroon.
In Paris, at the Elysée Palace, Emmanuel Macron has reportedly gathered with his advisors and key cabinet members to discuss the numerous trade union protests in France including the happenings in Cameroon. The Interim Government of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia recently pointed out the massacres of civilian populations carried out by Biya forces, attacks that often used heavy artillery shot into non-military centers.
The Communications Secretary of the Ambazonian government, Hon. Chris Anu stated in an audio message made public this week that “the security situation in Southern Cameroons has gravely deteriorated in the last three weeks in Belo, Lebialem and Munyenge.” Chris Anu went on to note that in these circumstances, it’s urgent that Ambazonians make huge financial donations to enable the Interim Government push on with the mission to Buea with the necessary self-defense operations.
The Acting President of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia, Dr. Samuel Ikome Sako and members of his cabinet have taken great pains to present the policy of Southern Cameroons Self-Defense as obedient, dutiful order-taking on behalf of the people of Ambazonia mindful of the violence being deployed against them by French Cameroun political elites.
But, beyond the so-called four states federation, there’s a matter the French government has still not bring to the U.N. and the European Union when it talks about attacks on civilians in Southern Cameroons. Many alleged massacres have occured in Manyu, Lebialem, Belo, Bali, Batibo, Tombel, Mundemba, Kwa Kwa and Munyenge where perhaps 1,000 may be among the dead. The French embassy in Yaoundé knows Biya is responsible for the killings.
By Soter Tarh Agbaw-Ebai and Chi Prudence Asong
04/05/2018 @ 10:56
Let France shove their 4 states Federation initiative where the sun don’t shine. We felt for it last time, we ain’t gonna fall for it while helping lrc to commit genocide.