Southern Cameroons Crisis: French Cameroun police storm Mamfe Cathedral
French Cameroun police have invaded the Roman Catholic Cathedral in the Mamfe County in Southern Cameroons today Monday the 9th of October following an order signed by the Senior Divisional Officer for Manyu. The invasion was followed by a skirmish between some prelates and the men in uniform.
Several Francophone policemen arrived at the Cathedral in the morning while preparations were going on for a funeral mass. The police attempted to force their way into the entrance of the Cathedral to arrest the catechist but met with a stone wall erected by some of the priests who were strongly opposed to any police presence around the cathedral.
In a recent release, the National Episcopal Conference of Cameroon (NCPC) condemned the use of force against unarmed civilians in Southern Cameroons. “No one has the right to kill. When we say that we denounce violence, it is because there have been deaths. We denounce this with the last strength of our energy” said Mgr Samuel Kleda, president of the NECC.
By Sama Ernest, CIR