Scandal: New Limo and new residence for Ayang Luc creates tension in Yaoundé
The so-called fifth personality of the state, Ayang Luc wants to increase his fleet of cars by purchasing a 120 million FCFA limo for his ceremonial outings.
To satisfy this need, described by many political commentators in the nation’s capital as”folie des grandeurs“, the Minister of State, Secretary General at the Presidency of the Republic, Ferdinand Ngoh Ngoh, requested the Minister of the Economy, Planning and Regional Development, Alamine Ousmane Mey, to finance the acquisition of the limo.
Cameroon Intelligence Report gathered that the all-powerful Ousmane Mey blatantly refused to comply and in a correspondence on June 20, 2023 told Minister Ferdinand Ngoh Ngoh to seek the approval of President Paul Biya.

The Ousmane Mey letter has further fuelled the debate on who actually has legitimate authority deep within the ruling CPDM crime syndicate.
Just last month, the 76-year-old President of the Economic and Social Council, Ayang Luc signed an agreement with a Yaoundé-based company for the construction of a new residence for him and his family at a projected cost of two billion FCFA.
By Rita Akana in Yaoundé