Of Southern Cameroons Crisis, Atanga Nji and Intelligence Gathering: THE AGBAW-EBAI DEBATE
The measures taken by the so-called new Minister of Territorial Administration to stifle the Southern Cameroons uprising and quest for an independent state is shocking even to the Francophone political elites.
Indeed, Paul Atanga Nji, appointed Minister of Territorial Administration, on March 2, prescribed rapid intelligence gathering to all French Cameroun administrative authorities.
The MINAT boss, who also moonlights as the permanent secretary of the National Security Council, instructed the sub-prefects, prefects and governors to make several summaries per day, on the socio-political and security situation in their respective administrative districts.
We of Cameroon Intelligence Report and Cameroon Concord News understand the sub-prefects, will now make their daily security report, twice a day, the first in the morning, at 9:30 (8:30 GMT), the second at 14:30 (13:30 GMT).
The SDOs will make their first intelligence report at 10:30 (9:30 GMT) and the second at 15:30 (14HGMT). For their part, the governors of the regions have been told to make their reports, first at 11 am (10HGMT) and at 16h (15HGMT), for the second.
Putting pressure on the various administrative authorities, Paul Atanga Nji, wants the ruling CPDM crime syndicate to understand that he is the right man for the top job and that he is capable after his experience in the underworld to respond to multiple security challenges in Cameroon, deeply shaken by the Southern Cameroons crisis since November 2016.
Among other challenges facing Minister Atanga Nji are the security threats on the borders of Cameroon in the Far North with Boko Haram and the East, with the incursions of Central African armed bands. Internally, the regime is facing a rise in serious crimes, kidnappings, rape of children and trafficking of all kinds.
In this edition of The AGBAW-EBAI DEBATE, we are asking our readers if Paul Atanga Nji and his CPDM gang will succeed to put an end to the on-going revolution in Southern Cameroons. Let your voice he heard.
By Soter Tarh Agbaw-Ebai
15/03/2018 @ 09:20
Atanga nji will not succeed the time will come when he will escape for his own life