NYENÈ MAWN Europe Convention: MOHWA Nigeria President fleeing the sinking ship
Chief Mrs Stella Arhewoh President of MOHWA in the Federal Republic of Nigeria is the latest prominent Manyu personality to jump ship to NYENE MAWN.
In a soul-searching speech delivered today in Belgium, Stella Arhewoh née Ntui (to use her three names) said the once popular MOHWA is today a shadow of its former self.
The Cameroonian diplomat also pointed out that Manyu Division is a constituency more sinned against than sinning.
Chief Stella Arhewoh furthered that she made the trip from Abuja, Nigeria to Brussels because NYENE MAWN is clearly the organization most Manyu women around the world are looking up to as they consider that MOHWA is a ship wrecked by greed, arrogance and intimidation. Below is her address delivered today at the MANYU WOMEN’S INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION’s AGM.
Dear Members and Delegates,
It is a great pleasure for me to address this August body. The birth of NYENE MAWN is like the birth of a new born baby which is always an occasion for joy and celebration.
While we celebrate the birth of our novel association, we should always bear in mind that the Manyu girl child and development must always be at the center of our actions and decisions.
The people of Manyu look forward to an organization that will bring development to the division and dignity to the girl child. A purpose-driven people will always focus on making the future better than the present and NYENE MAWN is driven by that passion to reshape the future in Manyu Division.
We must also remember the circumstances which have led to the creation of NYENE MAWN. Our organization is being birthed following the chaos that has made us stronger and more determined. We must ensure that the problems which caused us to depart from MOHWA do not become our story.
We must make tolerance our hallmark. We must make democratic deliberation a key component of our processes and procedures. We must make that difference which will endear us to the minds of our people. Strong democratic management will enable us to build a strong, resilient and trusted organization. By adhering to this principle, we will attract many members.

Also, we must always bear in mind that we will not always be on the same page when issues pop up, but how we handle those differences will make or mar us. Disagreement is as old as man, but differences of opinion only test our ability to be solution-driven and innovative. It should however be pointed out that when we disagree, we must be agreeable. We are many and the rules will sometimes not favor all of us, but that will not imply that we do not have to find common ground. We must be committed to working together to build strong relations and we must be more committed to finding lasting solutions to our differences, that is, if and when those issues show up.
I trust we are all determined to make NYENE MAWN successful. I can see the joy and determination on our faces. We have come far and near to socialize and meet each other, but we are, first and foremost, here to lay down that solid transformative foundation which will inspire hope in Manyu Division.
We must always know that we are all ambassadors of NYENE MAWN and how we carry ourselves in public will determine how the public sees us. Ours will not be an association of disrespect and insults. Ours should be an association of refined minds whose key goal is to help develop the Manyu girl child and help the Division with its development efforts.
Dear sisters, I would like to keep it short. As you know, brevity is the soul of wit. We should focus on actions and not noise. We should serve as examples for others to emulate. We should make Manyu proud again.
I wish you all the best in your deliberations. Let’s make Belgium 2024 a memorable event. Thanks for your time and enjoy this great moment.
Chief Mrs Stella Arhewoh née Ntui