Nigeria: Silently, things fall apart
The drums of war beats steadily
Restlessly, youth with hunger, anger and frustration
Glaring as death; armed, looting and killing,
treads the roads carelessly, towards ending it all.
The streets; violent, unsecured ruled without laws,
Elders speak low but sighs more.
Sages cowed, bowed, fear to voice words of hope.
Words of succour evades the priests
As the love, unity, peace, security and hope, we all once shared
Were being murdered in the street.
Change and hope, we all suffered for
Now a bowl of grit to eat, even on the floor
Many prayed and serve for,
Slaved many a month, without wage
Yet, the haves trot the globe
In search of hope away from home.
Peace we begged for, to live and hope for tomorrow
Tomorrow, filled with hope that comes with change
Security that begets peace and encourage development
Hope of a greater tomorrow
Alas! Hunger, strives and brigandage
With high dose of fear and dashes of insecurity
We inherit; pains and weeping enduring,
Through the fears of the nights
And the scary days of looting, hunger and, then, even more fear
As the changes we thought wrought
Watches idly, as crime and lack enslaves the land
Don Michael Olalekan Adeniji
Mar 15, 2016