Manyu Prefectural Order: Biya regime’s move to eliminate any alternative analysis that will come from the International Criminal Court
French Cameroun political elites and super-bureaucrats are worried about a prefectural order signed by the SDO of Manyu. It’s becoming harder to control the fragile Southern Cameroons territory a moved described by our desk editor as intellectual terrorism, perpetrated by the French Cameroun state on Southern Cameroonians.
On Saturday the 1st of December 2017, the Francophone Senior Divisional Officer for Manyu made public a prefectural order instructing Ambazonians to evacuate 14 villages in the Manyu constituency. The SDO’s decision was in line with directives from President Paul Biya who had earlier given the green light for a massive deployment of French Cameroon Special Forces to Ambazonia.
The French Cameroun governor of the South West region is now claiming that the Manyu SDO’s order was fake news on social media. Governor Bilai Okalia told French Cameroun radio and televsion that the Manyu SDO never issued the said communique. The Governor Bernard Bilai Okalia interview and the actions of the Manyu SDO has exposed a history stitched together by lies and cover-ups, political assassinations, slight-of-hand false flag deceptions, secret societies, dual loyalties and stolen fortunes – that has been the exclusive privilege of the ruling French Cameroun elites for 56 years.
The real reason for the so-called governor’s intervention is much more fundamental. By knocking out the SDO and his war crime evidence, French Cameroun political elites and their media moguls hope to minimalize, and thus eliminate any alternative analysis and opinion that will come from the International Criminal Court. All attempts by the Francophone regime in Yaounde to wind back the clock, where a pre-internet, monolithic corporate media cartel held a monopoly on ideas has failed in the Ambazonian situation.
By Soter Tarh Agbaw-Ebai