From Vagabond to Journalist: Augustin Guizanna in Southern Cameroons
Augustin Guizanna, a journalist reporting for the Cameroon Radio Television, CRTV North West bureau has published a book entitled “Anglophone Crisis: Emancipation Drama; An essay on communication strategies in the era of social networks in Cameroon “.
It is an 85-page document divided into 7 chapters. The author like most Francophone elites made a mockery of the leaders of the Cameroon Anglophone Civil Society over what he painted as “initiating a crisis without knowing how to master the progress.”
Augustin Guizanna is well placed to speak of the Southern Cameroon crisis that has been stirring the Anglophone regions for some six months now. But in his book, he focuses on the appropriate management of communication on social networks in such a circumstance.
Guizanna pointed out that the Southern Cameroon crisis stemmed from the conjunction of a number of factors and exploded on a ground fattened by communication failures on the part of a government that is still using old methods of communication based on traditional media and channels.
By way of illustration, Guizanna revealed that only six cabinet ministers out of a total of sixty in the present Biya Francophone government have a Face book account. The author opined that the Internet cut was inevitable “in view of its clumsy use.” Our chief political correspondent in Bamenda noted that “Guizanna’s publication is indeed an empty book.”
By Eyong Johnson
Cameroon Intelligence Report
07/05/2017 @ 11:06
If am not making a mistake, this name Guizanna, is from somewhere i the centre Region of the LRC. This just to remain myself of Guizanna’s style in his write up, the content of which, so far, has been referred to by many as “NOTHING” That is really how they, just empty vessels, with nothing to offer. However, they are good on bullying, arrogance, empty pride and you can name the rest. They pretend to know more yet very very little. Guizanna isn’t suffering from any rear disease, but, from a collective and cultural disease. The only solution to educate them is to abandon them with their ignorance and arrogance. Long live southern Cameroons.