Buea: Deadlocked over 200 million ultra-modern mortuary project
South West Governor Bernard Okalia has reportedly ordered work to stop at the 200 million ultra-modern mortuary construction site adjacent to the regional hospital annex in Buea. Local media reports have suggested that the CPDM governor acted under pressure that came from a group of Bakweri elites known as “Concerned Citizens”. The governor Bernard Okalia decision that was enforced on the 28th of July 2016 has come under fire from CPDM militants and the Fako traditional authorities who were part of the Friday August 5th, 2016 Buea council emergency stakeholders development follow up committee meeting.
The Chiefs empowered Mayor Ekema Patrick Esunge to ensure that the 200 million project does not collapse and gave their blessings again for a successful completion of the first ever historic ultra-modern mortuary in the South West region. Cameroon Intelligence Report gathered that a joint memorandum issued by local CPDM party officials bearing hundreds of signatures opined that the construction should well be re-launched.
The so-called “concerned citizens” drew governor Okalia to the mortuary scheme last July 2016, with regards to land ownership and the natural topography of the area, which to them was not suitable for such a gigantic project. The ultra-modern mortuary project is backed by municipal deliberation no. 1$2/2015/ of 16/10/2015 adopted during the second ordinary session of the Buea council for 2015 financial year.
Eden newspaper, which first reported on the issue, recently revealed that the current Buea hospital mortuary is fast weighing out and the need for a new one is not only urgent but an imperative . Growing frustration accentuated by petty rivalry and personality conflicts have slowed down the development of the Buea metropolis. The governor Bernard Okalia action provoked a backlash with rival supporters of both Mayor Ekema Patrick and the concerned elites accusing each other of blackmail and sabotage.
There are reports that some CPDM elements do not want the project to be done under Mayor Ekema Patrick. However, our chief political correspondent in the South region who contributed to this report noted that governor Okalia got it this time all wrong and that CPDM Buea will continue to see Mayor Ekema Patrick Esunge as a knowledgeable legitimate representative.
By Cham Victor Bama
09/08/2016 @ 13:03
Wonders shall never end. What legitimate right have these so called elites who are acting as a liability rather than an asserts to the municipality of Buea. Which is more important. is it the project or the person. When shall people learn to prioritise holistic interest over selfish and egostic motives.
Country people please put yourselves together for the success of the 200 million project before the cpdm regime divert the course of the money. Come on. Let development pursue its course.
Until then God safe Cameroon