Biyanizing in Gabon: The AGBAW-EBAI DEBATE
The result of the Gabonese presidential election is very similar (49% against 42%) and is comparable to the results of the 1992 presidential election in Cameroon.
The Supreme Court of Cameroon announced that it was a much closed race with the ruling CPDM party winning 40% and the opposition party the SDF 36%.
Interestingly, the CPDM had more or less won with 40% in 1992. However, after 5 years of failed economic and social policies, the CPDM won the 1997 elections with 92.6%. Gabon may be following the Cameroon example!!
Is Biya tele guiding the Gabonese electoral process?
A- No
C-None of the above
13/09/2016 @ 12:46
Its no more a hear say nor its a doubt , there is a President amongs Presidents, we are called upon to have a carefull eye to eye watch from history relating facts evidently in issue now to decide who is this one President amongs others. Its a choice , we should be guided on simple facts of peace in which State , for how long at which different occurance in accord and time in memmorial yet the President of choice ,I mean your choice today is making the future for all. Who is your CHOICE ?