Archbishop Andrew Nkea takes Boston by storm
The Most Rev. Andrew F. Nkea, Metropolitan Archbishop of Bamenda and President of the National Episcopal Conference of Cameroon visited the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston in the US.

The man in the clerical collar was in Boston as part of a partnership formed to foster collaboration between the Archdiocese of Bamenda and the Church in Cameroon with the Archdiocese of Boston and the Church in the United States of America.

Archbishop Nkea had traveled back and forth before, but this recent visit was a chance to share the Roman Catholic faith and build relationships.
Revered Father Maurice Agbaw-Ebai who initiated the visit told Cameroon Concord News that what caused the Cameroonian Archbishop to come to Boston is love and that love is what propels partnership.

His Grace Archbishop Andrew Nkea spent the week touring the archdiocese and meeting with the Rector of St. John’s Seminary, Boston MA, the President of Boston College and above all with His Eminence Cardinal O’Malley, Metropolitan Archbishop of Boston.

Archbishop Nkea also met the Most Rev. Robert P. Reed, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Boston, the Dean of Woods College of Advancing Studies, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Solemn Vespers at St. John’s Seminary and Faculty/Seminarians of Pope St. John XXIII National Seminary, the President, Merrimack College, North Andover, MA and with Representatives of the Pontifical Missionary Societies, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston.
By Soter Agbaw-Ebai with files