Bamenda: Southern Cameroonians told the choice is theirs Not Biya
“The Choice to be independent does not depend on the Biya Government. It belongs to the people who have been despised, rejected, and neglected. Hence, just as a civil court allows for Divorce and the Church grants a temporary separation of couples in difficulties until the terms of a contract or covenant is reviewed and respected, the choice is in the hands of the Southern Cameroonians.” This is the homily that Rev Father David Fomanka gave out recently to the people of Southern Cameroons.
The man of God added that “They do not need an approval from the Biya Regime. They need to take on their destiny and march on, and use the international body that recognizes statehood so that self-determination and autonomy, fundamental Human Rights is instated. The people need to go get more organized, envisage a trusted leader, form their own government and request from the international body to be recognized.”
He warned that any attempt of La Republic to violate this sovereignty will be an act of war against a nation. “For if a Union is no more a Covenant and a people are seen as junior partners and not equal human beings then there is no point. I watch in areas where there are inter-tribal conflicts, how military men from La Republic come in and torture and rape poor villages, burden them with kids and leave them to charitable organizations to determine their future and growth. This is not a dignified union and no one can sit still and just think it is enough to be obedient to a system that does not guarantee the rights, dignity, freedom, liberty and ability for a people to live a life of self-determination.”
Rev. Father Fomanka added that it is time to make a strong move and unseal a bond that is not workable!!! “What justification is there for the Biya regime to storm people’s privacy and houses and arrest families that are living peacefully and not going out there to cause any demonstration? And we would say “This is Cameroon!!!” No, this is an act of terrorism against a people that are hated and seen as second class citizens in a country they would have thought were their own. The power of democracy cannot be undermined and there is need for those who think authority was given them through merits, to realize that all authority comes from above.”
The priest observed that Christ made it clear to Pilate: ” You would not have had any authority over me, if that authority were not given to you from above!” If you shot the mouths of the people from crying, stones will cry out. We cannot stop the blood of innocent victims from crying for vengeance from above… And only a matter of time the Lord himself will descend on the unfaithful tenants of the vineyard, Divide the Kingdom and set them apart… Remember the Writing on the wall “Mene Mene Teke and parsing— You have been weighed on the balance and found wanting…. God had decided to divide your Kingdom….” A Word to the wise is enough!!!!!
By Rev. David Fomanka
12/01/2017 @ 10:04
no two thoughts when ur enemy is at ur mercy u may not have the opportunity over him again. Hit even harder at that point it may b ur last chance of triumph