Cameroon says its territory is a fruitful vine for more than 300,000 refugees
Cameroon since 2013 became a fruitful vine for more than 300,000 refugees from Nigeria and the Central Africa Republic. Apart from being sheltered, they have been clothe, fed, educated and their health and marital status catered for. Just recently in the East Region, the marriages of 46 refugees from the Central Africa republic were legalized thanks to negotiations from the Cameroonian Council authorities and the UNHCR of the East Region.
It is the second time within the period of five months that such a ceremony is being organized for refugees in the East Region. Talking about their health status, over 14 thousand children were immunized against polio and measles; the role back Malaria program characterized by the distribution of treated mosquito bed nets, immunization campaign against HIV AIDS and others have been effectively carried out in all the refugee camps of the East, Adamawa and the Far North Region.
In education, over 20,000 pupils refugee received scholarship and school needs such as Recreation Kits, ECD Kits, School in a box kits and other learning materials such as slates, chalks, pens, textbooks, pencils, etc. The refugees from Nigeria came into Cameroonian soil in 2013 following the Boko Haram threats from Northern Nigeria meanwhile those from the Central Africa Republic fled from sectarian crisis.
From 2013-2014, a total number of both Nigerian and CAR refugees were over 400,000. But in 2015 after thousands of Nigerian refugees voluntarily went back to their country, the number of refugees was reduced to over 300,000. But despite the reduction, officials decry that funds are still insufficient to keep them. The 71st General Assembly of the United Nations, will definitely supply Cameroon with the necessary strategies to handle refugee crisis given that one of their point of discussion is handling Humanitarian crisis around the world.